Aeroflot Cargo MD-11F

Requesting Aeroflot Cargo livery for MD-11F. As a fact, “cargo” titles were removed in 2009, as all three MDs were transferred to mainline AFL, but “cargo” is preferred.


[Sorry, developers, but There are a lot of md-11 topics and they are still alive, so I decided to create mine, though md is to follow yet.]


The best livery for MD-11


Sadly they don’t use them anymore I guess. Stil nice livery.


That is just awesome!!!

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Woah…can’t beleive my eyes, looks truly amazing!

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Oh yeah sexy plane

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Best livery of the MD11

If MD-11F will be added in IF, this livery is required to be!
I vote 100x for this livery :)

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I never knew Aeroflot had MD11s

they still flying three aircraft md 11

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Oh okay, my mistake

This is so nice! Love the Russian spelling for ‘Aeroflot Cargo’!

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Looks good.

Really nice livery for the MD11

Hoping this one in the DC-10/MD-11 update

It looks like A3POONOT KAPTO lol. Great livery!

Completely agree with you

My faves: lufthansa cargo md11
Martinair cargo md11
Korean air cargo md11

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And of course aeroflot cargo md11!!

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