Hey everyone! I just did a recent flight from Portland Intl. to Seattle. I had a crosswind and it was making the plane turn straight instead of my plane flying its diagonal heading. I would like to see a feature where the AP keeps the plane on its planned course. Also it would be could if we could pick TOP (top of climb) and TOD (top of decent). Finally, the airplane could also do the turns for us. Just my thoughts.👌🏾
Look at this short flight. This route is Egkk-Egll for demo. Taking-off from 08R the green cross is where aircraft would be relation to FPM (it would keep moving). Straight ahead you got top of the climb and you can see ToD on your left. Other info on the screen at KKE fix 3.4nm ahead the time you get there, Mayfield-Biggin Hill VOR selected and Frequency-DME at the bottom. Ground speed 170, True speed 178. Tcas TA only (traffic avoidance) no RA. Wind 027/06. Terr (Terrain). If you gonna have this sort of info forget about Terrain. You have to fly with just PFD
Most of this information exist in IF but not in this format but in Mobile friendly way ;)
After take-off around 5nm pilot switch to autopilot and Aircraft would follow Standard Instrument Departure(SID) and carry on following flight plan. When the arriving they use STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Route to get to ILS (atc can still direct you all the way to ILS but still it’s close enough to star waypoints) some pilot would hand fly STAR some don’t but most of them cancel autopilot on ILS if the visibility is bad they would go full autoland. No airline pilot hand fly after SID or before STAR.
Maybe some sort of FMS could be built whereby you could program in all of this information, and even save pre-planned routes, so you could just for example choose a KLAX-KSAN and the AP would do the RNAV for you. That would be an interesting addition…