Additional SOP Information in Airport Info Tab

Full credit to @YAWspeed for the initial idea here as mentioned in his comment on the “A Guide to Chicago O’Hare topic.” Obviously we can’t always force pilots at major airports without ATC to follow standard airport procedures, but providing as much information as possible to them doesn’t hurt.

As I assume airport scenery editors become very familiar with the airports they edit, I’m proposing that we allow current airport editors to add a “SOP” comments section to the airport information tab. I’ve attached some photos below. What this could do is provide runway, general terminal, and taxiway use guidelines for those who wish to replicate the real world SOPs as much as possible.

Obviously there’s no way to get everything in there without overloading the page, but similar to what I show in the photos I’m envisioning the basic information such that there’s a enough of a framework with which to navigate the airport. Usual carriers, standard runway usage, and any special taxiway use can all be included. Thoughts?

(Note: the added items have a yellow highlight bar to draw attention to where they are placed. I tried replicating the layout to show a true mockup)

I like this idea, perhaps instead of having it on the Info page make it it’s own exclusive page as too not clog everything out. It is good information for those who are not familiar with the airport in general


This is great, thanks for the credit - this is a great way to encourage realism on the expert server. Maybe there could even be a pop-up when someone chooses a landing procedure on a non-landing runway, but that may not be possible.

The new Simbrief integration is great, maybe it could be expanded to include recommended runaways. They usually provide realistic runways when you generate a flight on there.

Great idea @Rock77! Voted.


Thanks for the support and vote! Hopefully we can see this (or some iteration) in the future.

Also forgot to vote for my own topic… oops

Haha honestly I’m glad my edit looked so realistic that it fooled you for a second!

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It got me too, I thought for a second I had inspired an actual new feature! 😂

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Have my vote. Might be feasible if edited within the scenery editor.

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Voted for!

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It goes in the same direction as this on:

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Thanks for the support and votes y’all! Glad my mock-up edit is realistic/popular haha

This is actually a really great and amazing idea!!


Thank you! Glad you like the suggestion

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