Access Denied!

Now your confusing me

Dude i have no idea what’s happening tbh i’m so confused lol (smile and nod)

You said you want to get back to grade 5 but not aloud and now your happy that your grade 3 now

I am grade 3 but i can’t go on expert server

Alright everyone. I believe we have successfully found the issue. Lest not fly off course and go into the off topic range. Thanks.

Ok i get it now

dude i am still confused why does the NOTAM say no more then 5 then… This needs to be talked to with a mod/dev

Well im seeing that there a problem

Correct need a mod/dev ASAP

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I will bring it up to a mod when I get the chance to PM them. I understand your disappointment and frustration. Thugs were not clearly stated on Infinite Flight therefore you became confused

The grade table, which you posted, shows which requirements you do and do not meet in order to be the next grade. You are not grade 4 because you have 6 reports (also called ghosts) in the last two years. More on that here:

Normally, if you’re grade 3 or above, you can access expert. Because you have 5 ghosts in the last year, you cannot access expert. That is also a requirement, and you’ll see this is the reason you can’t access expert in the second image you posted. Where it says “too many ATC reports in the past 12 months (5 reports)”


I have pm multiple mods don’t go out of your way to message them

Well if you have read the recent thread saying thag this week most staff and mods might not reply to comments as some are on holidays due to Christmas

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So that’s probably why they are not answering

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i was talking to tyler abt something earlier today

Ok… I get it but ahh you got ghosted 6X… so ahhh 🤷🏽‍♂️!


please read what i said earlier

Hey I did read what ya said… but I can also see (screenshots u put up) & read that you get ghost often enough. “access denied” should be self explanatory! But ok!


Don’t tailgate another aircraft and maybe I wouldn’t have had to report you. That behavior was unacceptable for the Expert Server. The same applies if you’re following another aircraft too close. @LaroseRoyce makes a great point. The Expert Server is for those pilots who are looking to take their flying skills seriously. The ES is not stomping grounds to practice. If you’re going to follow me to the runway and insist on landing without proper separation, you are taking the risk of being ghosted upon yourself.

The ghosting wears off 7 days to the exact minute. Look at the logbook and note the time you were reported. Add 7 days to that date that’s printed on that report, and calculate the day that it’ll expire. If you were reported at 09:45UTC on Dec 22, the report will wear off at 09:45UTC on Dec. 29