I was wondering if there could ever be a system where a poster could close their own topic, instead of flagging it for closure by a moderator.
Say you have a question that only needs one or two people to reply to and answer, and then the topic is done. Wouldn’t it be easier for everyone just to be able to close it (without deleting it) themselves?
If you want to close it, flagging it is only the current option. Even if you need only 2-3 answers, it is better to have more than 1 just incase there is more of an in depth explanation.
Closing is more of a moderator’s job since they know a good reason to close a topic. Moderators close topics that are either breaking forum guidelines, have reached a limit, or is a updates thread (like A380 one currently). It’s just better to keep it open so others can also share their answers and for moderators to answer better questions.
You could also try and do some research on the topic before posting the question. Seems a little silly to make an entire topic for something that can be found online in a few seconds. Of course, if the answer is nowhere online then fire away.
I’m sure most mods won’t mind closing a topic if you flag it/ ask them nicely. Sometimes it’s handy to keep a topic open for other users