Aatogamer's Radar Tracking Thread [PASSED]

feel free to add me to the list!

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I have something to tell you guys…

I am now officially the newest officer of the IFATC team! I’m really grateful for you guys for coming to my sessions and being in my ping list! @NorWin @Kuroneko-JPN @Ajaxibrahim @CaptainOmer @kadengg @Nevry11 @sallobp @Saf @LuckyRc @BennyBoy_Alpha @tsukki @AviatorVJ

Lastly a huge thank you to my trainer @MagiK for guiding me through training, and to @TRDubh, my recruiter! Hope to crash you all on the expert server from now on👋!


Congratulations! 🥳

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Congratulations and well done 🥳🥂

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congrats! 20 pilots at EIDW now?

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Did that already ;)

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14 technically ;) close enough though