A380 slides right on rotation

Operating system:

I know a few people have this problem when flying the a380 when you rotate it slides right.

No wind on solo
And fuel tanks were level and weight to. Is this a known issue?
Also happens without the HDG turned on

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What device and OS was this on?

Are you using any rudder input at all throughout the takeoff roll? Are you properly calibrated?

I’m guessing that you’ve already checked both, but I just want to cover all the bases.

Yep wasn’t using rudder and was calibrated checked both.

I’ve noticed some other aircraft do this, like the A220. No wind or imbalances of any sort and it yaws on rotation, always to the right


This happened to me on the 757 a few days ago.


That’s true same here happens with the a220 to.

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This has already been reported internally a few months ago.

Thanks !


Oh that’s grand hopefully will be fixed soon 😀

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Just done a bit of research there a good few people have been having this problem on the a380 hopefully will be fixed soon. Really want to fly this bird.

Don’t forget the 757…

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It seems to happen with different aircraft for people for me it’s the a220 and 380. So looks like people have it on the 757 to 🤔

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Hmm, yes you could be right.

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