A380 right wheel not responding?

I have searched for this topic, but i cannot find it.

So I was practising touch and go’s with the A380 at San Fransisco when i noticed the right wheel wasnt doing anything until it eventually went up after the other 3,im assuming this is just a glitch?
Device: Ipad pro
IOS version: 16.12.0

Please provide device specs and app version to help us better understand you situation. Thanks!

This is because of the A380 being a very old model…

Check this out:


I’m pretty sure this is a known issue. Anyways, as other said above, the A380 is an old model, which is in need of being reworked.


How does " old " make the gear not work? Surely thats just a fault in the coding?


When you say that it wasn’t doing anything what do you mean? Did you put the gear up and it wasn’t moving up, or put the gear down and it wasn’t moving into the correct position?

I pressed gear up, all the gear went up apart from the right wheel. The right wheel did not go up until the other wheels went up.

Ok did this happen multiple time or just once?

Yeah, I was just pointing out that the A380 really needs a rework

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The first time this happened to me was about a year go when i first bought Infinite flight. It happens to me everytime I fly the A380.

Ok I tried recreating your expeirence and there did not seem to be a problem with the gear, some steps you can take to try and fix the problem are 1) close out the app completely and then reopen. If that doesn’t work 2) uninstall the app and then reinstall.
If all else fails come back here so we can notify a developer for help


Thanks for the advice, I restarted the app and the gear is working fine now. Thanks.

Anytime, glad I could be of service!

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It could also be because when you see the gear retracting in replay mode, then switch off replay mode while the gear is still retracting, it appears to have stuck.

Maybe it is an malfunction?

It’s been reworked before.

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