I think GPWS is not correctly reading out the altitude at 10ft AGL…
Can others confirm on this?
Also 2500ft called out during assent with landing gear retracted. It is a thing in real A380???
The misaligned is a known issue and will potentially get fixed in the future.
Regarding the 2500ft AGL callout with retracted gear: It’s a real thing in the A380 but can potentially be changed based on airline SOPs.
To add on to what Nico said: All aircraft that are equipped with a GPWS system are supposed to play the 2500ft callout when the aircraft is descending, regardless of whether the landing gear is down or not. This was an inaccuracy in IF that was resolved in 24.2 - it’s realistic now, it didn’t use to be before.
In addition to this, the A330/Neo is off by 5 too, a350 and a320 are completely fine, this has mess us up a lot on the landings
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