I’d like to adress some minor issues I’ve noticed with the Azul Brazilian Airlines’ A330-900neo, and also, I would love to know if they have already been internally noted, so that one day they might be fixed!
DISCLAIMER: I’m fully aware that, as these are small inconsistencies and the plane has come out in 2021, they might not be fixed anytime soon; plus, I can’t even begin to fathom how hard it must be to make as many high quality liveries as Infinite Flight currently has, but one can only hope.
As for the issues themselves:
- “BRASIL” is spelled with a significantly different font than in real life, as shown below:
Source: https://www.planespotters.net/photo/1500451/pr-any-azul-airbus-a330-941
Source: https://www.planespotters.net/photo/1495502/pr-anx-azul-airbus-a330-941
As you can see, the correct font is way thinner and more rounded than the one we currently have on the A330-900neo. Not only that, but it should also be the same blue color as the main AZUL logo, not the black color seen in the simulator, as seen on the pictures above and below, which clearly seem blue rather than black:
Source: O grande avião A330 rosa da Azul Linhas Aéreas decolou hoje na França
- Green shade used on the winglets, tail and main fuselage are not the same:
As you may see, the shades are not consistent, when in reality they should be! The dark green shade on the tail and main fuselage should be switched to the same bright green used on the winglets, like shown in this picture:
Source: https://www.planespotters.net/photo/1449370/pr-anz-azul-airbus-a330-941
Yellow and green stripes on the belly and on the winglets are croocked (reference photos have already been attached above), when they shouldn’t be.
Brazilian flag is flipped on the right winglet:
You can tell it is flipped because the words are spelled backwards: OSSERGORP E MEDRO instead of ORDEM E PROGRESSO.
The flag is correct on the left winglet, though:
I guess these are the four points I have regarding this livery, and all of those mistakes (except the mismatched green colors on the main fuselage, which only happen at the tail) apply to the Azul Rosa as well.
HOW WOULD THEY FIX THIS: The entire reason I’m making this post is because I have seen the developers have all the tools they need to fix it, as all of what I just mentioned here is correct on Azul’s A350-900, such as the font, font color, green stripes mismatched colors, croocked lines and even the flipped flag; and as such, I think (and hope) they could fix this in an upcoming update.
A350-900 pictures attached:
Thank you for taking the time to read this post,
Have a great day!