A320 family

Hi ! I have a question for devs. In terms of device performances and coding complexity, will it be possible to see the fresh new cockpit of neo added to the 320 and 321 ceo at least ?

(If someone who reads this topic can mention some developers they know pls)

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Just so you know, each and ever infinite flight aircraft that will come will always be similar to current quality standard.

Judging from the WIP, its most likely going to be a new 3D cockpit.

he’s asking if they will add the updated neo cockpit to the ceo models


We’re still at a very early stage, so not much is confirmed and questions like this can’t be answered yet.

ok thanks for the answer ! Is it possible to be warned about that when more details will come ?

Since the A320neo first ever WIP was a cockpit one, then I’m assuming that the existing A320 exterior will be used instead of creating a new one, which should mean the cockpit windows would be the same.

So there is a chance that the A320 family will receive this new cockpit. which variants of the family? Most likely all since all of them have the same cockpit.

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Yes I hope that will happen but for the exterior model they may do like other reworked models


Other than the wing and Engines, the A320 NEO is very similar to the CEO. Im hoping the devs could update the CEO too with better cabin and 3D model. It would be easier now that they are developing the NEO.

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