A little rant about ATC on the training server

Dear pilots on the training server,

Please, please learn the very basics of ATC before flying on the training server. I understand that it is the TRAINING server, but a little courtesy of reading the ATC guide wouldn’t hurt. When I tell you to pushback north, that doesn’t mean south and vice versa. When I tell you to taxi to a certain runway, don’t taxi to the other one, because Tower Control is handling all landings on that other runway. We don’t want unnecessary traffic jams. And also, when you request, for example, RWY 27L at EGLL, but I tell you to go to 27R, don’t ask for taxi clearance to 27L five more times. 27R it is.

Again, I understand that it is a training server. And everyone makes mistakes, so do I. But, at least learn your wind directions and just listen when we assign you a certain runway. Usually there’s a very good reason behind it.




Well… ranting about the training server is a bit contradictory (I do it too lol) and the reason is the name “training server” 😂 It’s a server meant for training new pilots and adjust them to the regulations found on the expert server. Expect mistakes and more diabolical things ;-;

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Training by teaching without actually teaching?

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Violations exist on the training server, as well as ATC instructions. If new pilots are interested in learning, the material is readily available
It’s up to them at the end of the day. That’s why you see what you see
edit: as well as basically no consistent moderation


Hey, Are you controlling EGLL now, I’m inbound from Hamburg. I got a level 3 which is why I’m flying on Training. Anyway I completely agree with what you said about Training Server. People need to read instructions and follow them

You can only give out violations if you’re in IFATC and in the Expert Server

Sorry, I forgot to specify overspeed violations ;-; Of course Level 1/2 violations don’t exist

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For real, you can see when a pilot actually TRIES to read the material, watch the content and then fly and the difference with pilots who dgaf and just use whatever commands sound the most logical to them.

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ATC and the pilots are usually new to the flying environment and they are all trying things out, or have little to no knowledge of what’s going on. For a pleasant controlling experience, come and join us in the Expert Server!

Some users play solely to be a hindrance, spamming ATC and deliberately blocking runways
I’ve been spammed so much this one time on London radar my app literally bugged out and I couldn’t hear pilot voices anymore ;-;

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Absolutely. Although imo if you are training for IFATC or just want to do it for the fun while being realistic, you should never attempt to control in a place like EGLL. We all know already its always moron convention over there.


That has happened to me before, I think IF should implement reporting Training Server ATCs

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Maybe it’s a good idea to firmly advise new players to read the ATC guide/manuel before they continue on the training server. In the pop-up window (when starting a flight) pilots are advised to just follow the rules, but instead refer to the ATC guide and manual and insert an url to guide beginners over there before they can even start a flight for the first time. Just like you have to agree with terms and conditions when using an other app for the first time.
I can imagine a new player isn’t aware of a community, manuel, etc…
It’s just an idea…

Happy holidays,

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Currently at 462 ops, aiming for 500 and then I’m applying ;)

the experience varies lol, sometimes ppl listen to what your saying but other times they wont lol.

a tip for controlling on the training server is never try to be assertive pilots there wont listen to u if you delay them or sum.

Also, I made mistakes and I still make mistakes, but I learned from them.

Level 1 violations and level 1 violations only, correct? To be 1,000,000% clear, I’m not asking to be able to hand out level 2 or level 3 violations. Though, a user isn’t following directions… I screenshot the time, screenshot current arrivals and departures at the airport I am controlling or screenshot from FAA Digital ATIS. I/we set an ATIS as TS controllers.

See guys, this is what I mean. I literally had to quit ATC because this guy messed everything up, I couldn’t read other pilot’s requests because he was spamming everything. Not cool. See video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDgh-TwFLKU

Edit: He was doing this for a good 3 minutes on an active runway too. Happened 15 minutes ago.

Also; American 11 as callsign, really?


what i do when i control is just completely ignore the trolls, pretend that they dont exist. That’s ur best course of action. @PilotMatisse


Yeah, you are right though. It’s just a little hard to be realistic and give everyone a good experience, when I can’t read half of the requests, yk? But maybe I’m taking this too serious