A letter to the moderators, the developers, IFATC members, and everyone else.

From your three points I have some questions.

[quote=“Nichalas_Petranek, post:81, topic:100507”]
Adapt flying on the training server to better fit a learning environment. With the amount of pilots that view this app as just a game or the amount of pilots that tend to go trolling on the training server, it’s not very conducive to learning; let’s get them on the casual server where they belong.[/quote]

Can you explain this some more? How would you accomplish this? Other than changing a description of the server I don’t what options are available. There are already violations in place and yes there could be more.

[quote=“Nichalas_Petranek, post:81, topic:100507”]
Adapt the training server atc interface to where it promotes better learning by both pilots and controllers. Even include a button for pilots grade 3 and above to send a check help pages message to controllers that don’t know what they are doing.[/quote]

There is a reason that the report button was disabled on TS1. It was abused. And yet how many people noticed that it was disabled? There was not a public announcement regarding it and yet there are no threads complaining that it is gone. The button was used to troll people, plain and simple. This is also why voice has been shot down so many times. The sim is used by people of all ages and all maturity levels. This is what you get with a mobile application where anyone can download it. It is my personal opinion that grade should not be used in any way to determine the quality of a pilot. You can have 500 hours with a million landings and not once touch the ATC button. I’ve often witnessed grade 3 people on expert intercept an ILS better than a grade 5 pilot.

I do agree with this one as every sim is different and IF is far more complicated than some of the others out there in terms of physics and controls. The only thing I see is that it is a slippery slope and you don’t need a tutorial for every little thing. A simply summary page would do just fine for people to read as an in-sim help file. I would leave the game tutorials to the more advanced topics. Mark’s tutorials are a great resource for pilots but I do agree some of them may be better as a flying tutorial. Intercepting the ILS, etc.

Yes, education is lacking. It has been commented on many times over the years and the popularity and fast growth have not helped the situation. Can we force every pilot to read something prior to flying, no. Can we expect every pilot to know not to have strobes on while on the ground, no. Many of us came to the forums to get questions answered and/or to make our flight more realistic for ourselves. I have tried to make an effort to make my posts more meaningful and to do my part as a non-mod to help educate and reduce clutter on the forum. This is the medium we have available for now so we do the best we can with it.

I personally think some people care way too much about how other people fly. When I am flying on expert I only care if someone is impacting my flight. Cutting me off out of sequence is one thing, but I don’t care if a person is going 180 on short final or not or if they are flying without their beacon on. You can’t make a video of you flying showing off a smooth touchdown without someone replying with unwanted criticism “Oh your flaps are at full that far out” or “Your VS is too high”. It’s a sim, the FAA is not watching, get over ourselves.