A few points for fellow Training Pilots when using ATC

Hey,good day!
so just a quick small easy guide for Training Pilots to follow and making their experience much more enjoyable and fun for others. I won’t go too much in depth, you’ll learn as you progress to Grade 3.


When you’re on ground frequency and it’s heavily congested of aircraft around you - please consider not requesting pushback as you will be told to HOLD POSITION. Don’t pushback without permission because this creates major conflicts with other aircraft around you and will create chaos. When you’re instructed to pushback to the NORTH, SOUTH , WEST or EAST or you must follow the instruction as we are trying to lead you to a runway with less aircraft or preventing traffic.

         **TAXING to Runway XX**

Please don’t taxi to a runway that’s not in use, it’s very annoying that we always have to say “CHECK RUNWAY ASSIGNMENT. Please don’t taxi to the opposite side of the runway- this causes many go around ; departure halts etc. When you are told to taxi to a specific runway DO IT!! When told to CONTACT TOWER WHEN READY - you are allowed to change your frequency as soon as you are in queue , if you request you’ll receive You have already been instructed to change frequency. Pleasd don’t cut in the line, don’t change your taxi path , you’ll cause confusion. DONT TAXI WITHOUT PERMISSION!!


When you are tuned in Tower’s frequency - you are to remain PATIENT, please don’t flood the frequencies by wanting to depart or Land. If you were cleared to land there is seriously no need for you to send that you are “Inbound”. You’ll receive You were already cleared to land, avoid unnecessary reports. When you are given a departing sequence - obey it , don’t cut in front of another pilot. Don’t cross the runway when there is a aircraft on a 2-4nm final - most of you do it on purpose so the aircraft on final has to do a go-around , please don’t do this, it’s very annoying that now we have to instruct you to exit the runway. When you are told to maintain a certain speed when you’re inbound or final please do maintain that speed to maintain separation between you and the departing runway. When you land please cross over the HOLD SHORT LINE - this is to indicate that you have fully exited the runway and that it is clear for other aircraft’s to Land or Depart. Don’t go AFK on the runway. Its quite unfortunate violations aren’t given in Training.

If you’re a troll , stay in Grade 2.

Im encouraging every Grade 2 pilot to be well prepared of what’s to come in Grade 3. Please follow instructions. Grade 3 IFATC is strictly not a joke, you will be sent back to Training Server with immediate effect if you have broken rules. Shall you need to query an appeal ? Go here 👇👇:
Procedures for Appealing Violations and Providing ATC Feedback

Should you want to learn how to fly and all those things? Visit here:
ATC Manual

Happy flying!


It would be nice new pilots could read and acknowledge the above message before entering the training or expert server for the first time.

Wow, hopefully A LOT of training pilots will read this and follow these rules. Because I’ve been controlling on the training server before, and they DO NOT follow ANY instructions whatsoever. So hopefully your guidance can help them… great topic!!!

I Blame Touch and Goes, cos if you actually do complete Routes in the Casual Server plus recommended Landing while actually “Landing”, you will have a better optimized mindset while entering the Training Server.
Not join today and the next day you’re in Training Server.
I have over 40hrs of flight but im still in Casual because im doing long hauls
There is no way someone like me will come into Training server to come flauntt rules

Definitely agree with your post and wish trainjng pilots would follow your tips. Not going to lie, I have a few moments where my brain comes up with Weast, Nouth, and Sorth. (Yes, cardinal directions are SLIGHTLY important. (Italics to emphasize sarcasm.)) With regards to the last sentence—to be 1,000,000,000% clear I agree with you—I feel like pushback [right, left, or straight] would make things a lot simpler.

I would like to know how this would work for those that aren’t on the IFC because obviously, there would be users who aren’t on the IFC or doesn’t have an IFC account.

Well you can still be on the IFC with no account… it’s just that you won’t be able to do anything except for reading

I assume there will be people who haven’t heard of the IFC, I feel like

Yeah, but still, we can hope that as many people who are able to see this, do see this, and we can hope that they follow these tips

Yeah, that’s what we all want

(10 char)

Lol thanks .
It’s just quite important to show Pilots which way they should pushback. I tell them to pushback to the south - they do the exact opposite. I even put directions and they still don’t know 💀. But hopefully we have at least 70%+ that have IFC , cause if not then they’ll never know what to do.

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Great post - very valuable.
I’m just a casual gamer who came across IF as a “game”. I have absolutely no prior experience in aviation but have learned a ton already. I’m Grade 2 and want to practice more in dealing with the ATC.
I just flew my first flight from Manchester to Heathrow with active ATC - what an amazing experience - stressful!
Was told to change ALT, HDG for the pattern - learned how to do this on the fly with autopilot on. Successfully landed with ILS and exited runway promptly.

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Recently had to deal w/ this. Thanks for making this post (hopefully ppl actually follow it )