A 320 Wizz air

The wizy air
The Best livery

Thank you for submitting a request regarding the Airbus A320 Jet.

However, I’m glad to inform you that the upcoming A320 will have a WizzAir livery on it :)

The A320 aircraft will come in the Wizz Air livery. There is a picture (posted by me) in the official A32X topic.

Thank you.

The new or the old one? ;)

The new one!

Wizz Air is already confirmed.

For future reference, please search the forums before making a tooic :). Thanks

Hang on, the old or the new livery? I like the old one, it looks awesome with the front pink

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Can you close this please

Oh don’t worry about my post, it’s the new one

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Sadly its the new one…