8DEC24: 0800-2200z - Heathrow Flyout for IAG 8 Year Anniversary

IAG Virtual 8 Year Anniversary - Heathrow Fly-in/Fly-out

Presented by IAG Virtual

This is a fully open event, simply react and type down below that you’ll be joining us!

IAG Virtual with BAVA coursing through its veins is turning 8 years old and we want to celebrate with you! This year we have filed over 18000 pireps totalling over 100,000 hours of flight time and over 200 new recruits, it has been a truly record breaking year. A huge credit goes out to our entire staff team and our event leaders, all of whom you can see credited in our thread here. A huge thank you to all of our pilots who support us, fly for us and make every day worth it. So without further adieu, welcome in IAG 8!

This event is an all day fly-in fly-out where all pilots are welcome to celebrate our 8th birthday! Our pilots will be flying in and out throughout the day with something special happening around 1pm (So stay tuned!). We will also aim to have ATC coverage throughout the day so that you will not go a minute without immersion. Please enjoy!

London Heathrow is engineered for peak efficiency, on average there is one take-off and landing every 45 seconds - operating at 98% capacity. There are two runways with one being used solely for landing and the other solely for take-off, they rotate responsability roughly twice a day. There are two taxiways on each side of the airport so you can have two contra-flowing lanes of traffic. There’s not much space but there’s plenty of options!

Arrival Procedures & Notes (A-Z)
Inbound from STAR Name Speed Restrictions Other notes
South East ALES1H LLE01 (250kts), BIG (220kts) At Biggin Hill (BIG) you may receive vectors to RW27L/R
East LOGA2H WESUL (250kts), LAM (220kts) At Lambourne (LAM) you may receive vectors to RW27L/R
North NUGR1H WCO (220kts), BNN (220kts) At WCO (Wescott) go direct to Bovingdon (BNN) and then expect vectors to RW27L/R
West OTME1H LLS01 (250kts), OCK (220kts) At Ockham (OCK) expect vectors to RW27L/R
South ROXO1H LLS01 (250kts), OCK (220kts) At Ockham (OCK) expect vectors to RW27L/R
Runway Name Notes
RW27L Expect 3nm Landing separation - plan your exit to the RW and exit swiftly (We recommend exit N6)
RW27R Expect 3nm Landing separation - plan your exit to the RW and exit swiftly (We recommend exit A10)
A380 Taxi & Gate Restrictions

The A380 can taxi on most, but not all LHR taxiways. The taxiways highlighted in green and the gates that are next to those green taxiways are suitable for A380 & B747 operations.

A380 Taxi Charts
A380 Suitable gates

If you are not flying in the A380, you have access to all taxiways! Please see the charts below.

Taxi Chart

Welcome to IAG Virtual, a Virtual Airline born out of BAVA dedicated to replicating the professionalism and grandeur some of the World’s Favourite Airlines such as British Airways, Iberia, Aer Lingus, Vueling and LEVEL known for more than 100 years history, diverse fleet and for flying more people to more places than any other airline is todays’ focus!

As a well respected Virtual Airline, and one of the earliest VAs to form eight years ago, we boast a large pilot base, partnerships with numerous other VAs, and years of experience in running a successful VA. Our friendly staff members make IAGVA an exciting and welcoming environment to further your love of flight, and with our regular events, weekly featured routes and Career Challenge there’s never a dull moment when flying with us.

Open Recruitment Week!

The joining process for IAG Virtual is simple. We ask that you fill out our application form, and our Recruitment Manager or another member of our staff team will make contact with you to proceed with your application. For this week (1st-8th December) we are offering open recruitment. Simply put in your application and we will send you an invite to our sever providing you meet our basic requirements.

We are one of the only major Virtual Airlines to offer hundreds of codeshare routes to pilots on Day 1 of joining

On joining you will immediately gain access to a wide range of aircraft, with seven different airlines represented. You will be able to fly British Airways Cityflyer routes out of London City, Edinburgh, Southampton and other regional UK bases, as well as access to Iberia regional routes and many of our codeshare partners.

Apply Here!

VA Name Thread Route Dep/Arr time
@AirAsiaVirtual AirAsia Virtual Codeshare TBC
@CathayPacificVA Cathay Pacific VA EGLL-VHHH Dep: 1230z, 2100z
@EgyptAirVirtualGroup EgyptAir Virtual HECA-EGLL TBC
@IndianVirtual Indian Virtual EGLL-VIDP Dep: 0845z
@KoreanAirVirtual Korean Air Virtual EGLL-LPMA Dep: 0930z
@QatariVirtual Qatari Virtual LEVC-EGLL Arr: 1300z
@RyanairVirtualGroup Ryanair Virtual EDDS-EGLL Arr: 2000z
@SuisseVirtual Suisse Virtual LSZH-EGLL Arr: 1500z

8…8…8 YEARS?! What a milestone. You’re standing strong AIG and happy anniversary.

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First to join us is our great friends over at @SuisseVirtual who are flying from Zurich to Heathrow at 1500z

They will be flying in the lovely A220-300 in their Swiss livery!

Thank you for joining us.

Deputy President, IAG Virtual

Next up is our oneworld partner @CathayPacificVA who are utilising their modern fleet on two waves of flights out of Heathrow!

1230z departure to Hong Kong with their B777-300

2100z departure with our own BA B787

Thank you for joining us.

Deputy President, IAG Virtual

We have @AirAsiaVirtual joining us too! A fantastic VA with lovely pilots and staff and they will be using their codeshare routes to join us.

See if you can spot them!

Deputy President, IAG Virtual

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One of our long-standing event partners, @EgyptAirVirtualGroup will be joining us flying their flagship 777 from there capital to ours!

Stay tuned to see them arrive!

Deputy President, IAG Virtual

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Nice event! I can’t join tho bc I have my own event but I can sure recommend for people to fly into this event from mine

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Great to have this cross-community collaboration!

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The amazing team at Korean Virtual will be joining us as they fly one of our more challenging routes! They will take you all to the mighty Madeira Funchal to which the airport is named after Cristiano Ronaldo himself!

They will be departing at 0930z, a nice wakeup call!

Deputy President, IAG Virtual

One of our long time partners @QatariVirtual will be joining us. With a track record of great event attendance (and even better event creation) they will surely bring a further kick to the event.

Watch out as they fly from Valencia into Heathrow with an arrival around 1300z.

Deputy President, IAG Virtual

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Ryanair is one of the staples of the European VA scene and they will be joining us on a wonderful flight from Stuttgart in Germany arriving in the late evening to conclude proceedings.

Keep an eye out for them

Deputy President, IAG Virtual

Off to London right now in preparation for this tomorrow. Excited to join! Happy birthday IAGVA :D

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The following VAs have all confirmed there attendance for tomorrow. Take a look at them below and in our thread!


We will also be having a special flyover at 1250z by IF-GAF.

Stay tuned, see you there!

Indian Virtual has departed out of Heathrow at 0900z!

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Great to see already so much activity at London Heathrow. VAs are coming in and out during the day.

The GAF flypast will be happening at 1250z so make sure to spawn in now to see it.

Finally, we have open recruitment today, simply fill out our application and you join us without having to do a test (This only happens once per year)

See you in the skies,


Terminal has been Filled. Air Canada Departing in less than 5 minutes.

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Air Canada Virtual and Tag Alongs have Departed and are Westbound for Montreal. Thanks for Hosting the Event IAG and Happy Anniversary from ACVA.


VP Event Operations
Air Canada Virtual

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