787-10 hates nasty stalls

Anyone else notice that the 787-10 hates to do flat spins and inverted spins? I have done spins in real life and when I do the maneuver to get out of it the airplane just goes deeper into the stall. I am wondering if it’s just an airplane that doesn’t like stalls in real life or is it just on simulator that it doesn’t like it?

Commercial planes aren’t built for these type of maneuvers… lol. Hence, they don’t take them too well. This is true in some cases on infinite flight as well.


It’s not April 1st right…?


u fly a 787 and do flat spins in it? IRL?


No, not irl. Why would that be irl, and why would he come to General on a forum page to ask about it 😭😭




The Dreamliner isn’t spin-rated…

Probably talking about GA lol

I’d hope someone with a pilot’s license, or who’s been in control of a plane at least, would know the difference between a 787 and Cessna.


How do you even put planes in spin in IF ive tried everything. noether the cessna nor the F18 goes in. even tried full pitch up.

It’s secret 🤫

787-10 is super twitchy all you have to do is hold a medium low speed on low flaps and then pitch down and catch the motion as it comes up with a hard pitch up. This quickly breaks the critical AoA and you start flipping.

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I just tried the 787-10, F18 and C172.

They can all be put into a spin: power off, let speed fall off as you continue to pitch up, at stall, continue to hold full back pressure and hold full rudder deflection.

i did they just recover after the flick. dont become fully developed

It’s true, my impression was that in those 3 IF aircraft I tested, continuing to hold full back pressure and rudder was necessary.

It’s been years since I’ve done a spin irl in a Cessna. I didn’t practice other than to experience spin recovery technique. But I remember the feeling of failing to enter a spin without adequate technique.

Notice at 9:28 the one in right-hand seat, how he has to keep applying full back pressure to keep the spin going (rudder too?):
SPIN Recovery In A C172

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bro I have done over a 100 spins in last year including on jet engine irl. I know how to put and take out of a fully developed spin but Somehow I dont get them in spin. hahahaha I was doing dog fight with my buddy in IF and he went inti flat spin 2-3 times. and I couldnt 😭😭😭