747 tutorial

Does anyone know if there is a 747 takoff and landing procedures tutorial in aircraft-guide? I know about the all t/o and landing post, but I need to know like what pitch on Climbout or on landing.

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what do you mean exactly? If you’re referring to pitch on takeoff, it should be the same as other aircraft. if you’re referring to vertical speed, the 747 likes to stall so anything under +1800fpm is recommended if you’re heavy
In regards to landing, if you’re referring to your AoA as “pitch” then it should again be the same as other aircraft, between 1 and 5, preferably 3-4 degrees AoA

Don’t reduce flaps under 10° for the duration of flight until descent. Climb out should be at +3,000fpm. The reason you have to keep the flaps at 10° for the duration of the flight is because there is glitch with the 747s physics which has a ridiculous pitch angle when leveled out at cruising causing alot of drag making the plane inefficient on the sim for realistic use.

@pilotcharles737 VS +3000fpm is way too high (assuming aircraft load is above 60%) which is probably the reason you need to fly with flaps extended
Try climbing with a VS of below +1800fpm and you’ll be able to go flaps zero once you accelerate to 310-320kts crossing 10,000ft agl
A rule of thumb I use for the 747 family is going one flaps setting down once my AoA drops to 1-2 degrees

Not entirely true because when you get past 26,000ft you start to loose speed and by the time you get to FL300 at M0.8 your IAS is at about 260kts with about 80% thrust but if you have flaps 10° your thrust drops down significantly don’t believe me test it out yourself. Also 747s can climb at +3,000fpm on full loads just watch Lufthansa on flightradar24 you will see

747s IRL climb at much higher rates and lower speeds, of course
But the 747 family in IF has a very outdated and unrealistic performance and physics model so it can’t be compared to real life in the slightest :c
So the closest you can get to achieving “realism” is lowering your climb rate which actually allows you to go flaps zero
But if you want to fly with flaps extended the entire duration of the flight yeah, to each their own 😂

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I don’t think the 747s would has a pitch 2× higher than a 787-10 when leveled at cruising altitude so the most realistic option is maintain flight duration of flaps 10° for a proper pitch angle.

Never done that, never had an issue. Pitch angle was normal.

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Here is a test with fully packed 747 with full passengers and cargo

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What’s the pitch angle exactly. That looks normal to me.

Click on the blue test button

I just clicked it, watched it and that pitch angle looks normal. What’s the exact number I’m asking.

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did you not see the significant difference between the throttle and fuel burn?

I do. But the question was about the 747s high pitch on cruise, not the fuel burn.

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With flaps 10°

Without flaps 10°

Also look at the VS not completely leveled right away but you get the idea

That’s a normal pitch angle, around 3.5 degrees. In the other one you’re pitching down which is even more unrealistic.

To be fair, neither is the upper one

You also have to take in consideration of where the hud sits. Which is higher than the actual center length. Its not like the A380 where the hud sits leveled with the plane.

It doesn’t matter where the hud sits, it still shows the accurate pitch angle, if that’s what you’re referring to.