737 MAX 8 Range

Just completed a flight from ZSPD (PVG) to KIAD (IAD)
Roughly 7000nm! The MAX’s fuel burn is pretty crazy.


How? Lolll

Nice! Just about to land into London Heathrow from Gold Coast (Aus). Only stopped once in Colombo. Had originally planned OOL-XSP-BAH-LHR but as soon as I reached cruise on the first leg, I saw that I could make it Colombo with 91% fuel loaded so I went for it. 13 hour flight time for the leg betwen Colombo and Heathrow.

I did it with a cruise at 33,000ft at M0.76 for 9 hours with a cruise at FL410 at M0.82 for the last 3 hours.
Pax 6
285kg cargo
BBJ like


Yall are doing the most

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Maximum range is 15 hours give or take.

i treated it like a bbj flight - 12 pax 500kg of cargo

M0.80 at FL370 and FL410.
I landed with 200kg of fuel