✈️ IFATC Takeover: Eastern Asia
Hello there! This event is part 1 of the ATC Takeover. I plan to make one for each month of the year featuring different regions. The goal of this event is to provide ATC staffing throughout the region of Eastern Asia throughout the given event time. If you’re interested, please claim you a spot at an airport of your choosing from the list. Please note, any reservations made are NOT official. ATC staffing is based on first come first serve amongst all IFATC members, however you may be able to switch to a different airport if your chosen one has been taken already. This event is created by a member of the IFATC community and is not an official event nor IFATC sponsored.
ATC Staffing:
If you’re an ATC Officer, I’d like to ask that you open Center FIR(s) as opposed to local frequencies for this event so that services can be provided throughout the entire region. Center will also act as Approach for all airports within its boundaries (traffic levels permitting).
To request frequencies, please ask for the airport and what you plan to open. For example:
“Hey! Could I have Incheon, Pyongyang, and Shenyang FIR’s out of RKSI from 1900-2100z?”
Username | Airport | Frequencies | Time |
@AviationChampion | RKSI | Incheon/Pyongyang/Shenyang FIR | 1400-1600 EST // 1900-2100z |
@kadengg | VHHH | GTS | 1400-1800z |
Any and all participation in this event is highly appreciated. If anyone would like to work together to plan future events or give suggestions/ideas please PM me!