@CaptainN your added, thanks for joining!
I would like this flight.
@Tre_Dior you have been signed up! I have been waiting for someone to snag that route!
Can you change my gate to this one
@zion89 yes I can, im charging it right now for you!
I will take the United 747 to San Francisco please!
@BenShore you have been added! also welcome back to the community!
Hello, will I be able to attend the event, if so can I get a Delta 757-200 Los Angeles KLAX route please?
Thank you!
@Deathsix first, welcome to the community, 2nd, someone already took that gate, there are many other gates for you if you would like to choose from the others!
May I get another 757-200 gate to LAX? With Delta
@ORD777flyer ok sure, I can do that
Thanks man!!
Thank you for the welcome, I am happy to be here. Would it be possible for me to get the United 757-200 Guam PGUM flight?
yes, you can have that one since no one took it. thanks for joining!
Thank you, much appreciated. Can’t wait for my first event flight
Can I have any domestic flight please
@Xavier_Omatseye Ok I think you will like gate 69. ;)
Hey can I take Delta gate 28 to Atlanta 👍🏻
Oh shoot not again
@Johnny_Rigano_48 You have been added! thanks for joining! :)