Read plenty on here but never posted before - I’m a flight sim enthusiast and recently started my PPL (infinite flight provides my fix between lessons ;) ).
As for my reason for posting, with examples of 3D gaming coming out (look up fsx with oculus rift for the high end), and the new joystick ready Compatibility, if the developers added another view 2 inches to the right (simultaneously) IF could be the first ‘Google cardboard’ 3D sim (imagine looking around the cockpit while maneuvering with the joystick!).
Just wondered if others are looking forward to 3D in the long run, or if this is a stupid idea! :) (if obviously, even possible)…
I’ve imagined such a scenario where the HUD that moves with you is a high tech contact lens and with something like Occulus Rift would be totally immersive! Thanks for the kind minded confirmation of thought 😎
I think you are spot on - these gaming goggle type devices like Oculus are going to be a big success in the gaming community. I can see developers adapting their games to accommodate it.
Let’s see how the next two years shake out and which devices are going to be dominant - but I can see potential revenue for special version of IF adapted to these devices.
The immersion factor will be amazing, especially in the smaller general aviation type aircraft
I’ll sell you a suitable elastic band, sorry “cardboard retainer” if you like to free up that other hand? ;) - thanks for that, didn’t know that was out there! (definitely a new revenue stream for vr users). And yeah- will be interesting to see what direction things take in the next few years (things tend to move pretty quickly nowadays, not necessarily in the direction expected :) )
Just one great idea after another ay ;) - no idea why I’m not more successful ;) :) - not got/set up cardboard yet as waiting to sort out a new phone (due an upgrade) - so what did you think of it? worth doing? - might spur me on to sort out my phone sooner :)
Cardboard is cool, but after you try the Gear VR, it feels terrible. If you have the money and don’t mind using a Samsung device, then look at getting the Gear too. Really, it will blow you away! :D
The fix for this is to look up ‘thaumatrope’ on YouTube, then, in copying the example, draw a building on the back of the device - and spin it real quick when approaching the terminal (works even better under water ;) ;) :p - just giving these ideas away! ;)