3 hours on a A320!

Just landed from probably one of the most stressful flights I’ve done.

• Server: Expert.
• Airline: Easyjet.
• Aircraft: A320-214.
• Flight Number: U28519
• Destination: Madiera, Portugal.
• Origin: London Gatwick.
• Flight Time: 3 hrs 12 mins.

Preparation for boarding.

Boarding complete, commencing push-back tail to the east. After push-back, taxi time didnt take too long as the runway was just round the corner!

Smooth take-off from Runway 26L at Gatwick barely any winds and excellent visibility.

Climbing from 25,000ft to 35,000ft, check out that sunset over the english channel! 🔥

Above Portugal just started passing by the atlantic. This is the view for an hour and a half.

Started our descent and Madiera is in sight already! Approaching RNAV to Rwy05.

On final rwy05, This is the most challenging appraches in europe! (nearly died on the 1 mile final) Reminds me of the OG Kai Tak airport.

Touchdown! Speedbrakes up.

Welcome to Madiera! A flight time in total of 3 hours and 20 minutes.


Nice photos!

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preciate it 🫡

Great shots!

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thanks man 🤝

Good work!

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