24 SEP 7 | Chengdu-Wuhan Group Flight

Hey! community. We are about to receive a new version update, which will update the two large airports in Chengdu and Wuhan. Let’s fly together!

Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport

Project China | Update 2SEP: 24.3 Out! - #379 by L_sound

According to the information on the airport’s official website in August 2017, the airport has two terminals with a waiting area of 500000 square meters, which can meet the demand of an annual passenger throughput of 50 million people, and has three air cargo terminals; There are 2 parallel runways and 3 aircraft parking areas with a total area of 9.4127 million square meters; A total of 228 parking positions have been set up (as of January 2020); 270 air routes have been opened, connecting 209 cities both domestically and internationally.

Wuhan Tianhe International Airport

Project China | Update 2SEP: 24.3 Out! - #417 by L_sound

As of April 2024, Wuhan Tianhe International Airport has two terminals, with a total area of 495000 square meters for Terminal 3 and 158400 square meters for Terminal 2; Having two runways with lengths of 3400 meters and 3600 meters respectively; There are a total of 117 aircraft stands and 56042 square meters of air cargo terminal; It can meet the needs of an annual passenger throughput of 35 million, a cargo and mail throughput of 440000 tons, and 404000 aircraft takeoffs and landings.

  • Time:2024-09-07T11:30:00Z
    Server: Expert
    Please spawn in 15 minutes before event time!
    We won’t allocate gate!

Chengdu @Aviation_Yan -
Wuhan @Yang-le-duo @Scot_McGough

Listen to ATC at all times
• If ATC not present use UNICOM correctly
• We recommend that you apply for a pushback some time in advance to avoid congestion and delays


CAN I take Wuhan GTS?👀


Of cores!Enjoy your times!

Soooo Excitedd!!

太棒了 一定要来

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Ill be there Brotha

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I’ll be coming no probs 😉

Nice event, I’ll try to come

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Event in tomorrow!

Nice event! I will come

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we will start soon,pls copy B-749K (@Aviation_SH749)flight plan ~!

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Hi everyone, the event is going to start soon,pls copy my flight plan, thank you for your participating.

Hi guys, the wind condition had changed at ZHHH,so i need you guys to change your STAR plan to “AVP01A”

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