hi everyone
i didn’t make one of these last year as… i don’t really know. but right now im bored so I decided to sift through all of the photos ive taken this year and make one of these.
this is my 4th year of spotting, as I started at kind of an odd time back in June of 2020.
My skills have slowly been progressing and I believe now I need to work on editing skills more than anything as I feel my spotting sessions are getting repetitive.
Regardless I believe this was one of my best spotting years yet and I finally got an equipment upgrade to go along with it as well.
I hope everyone enjoys my year in review as everyone else has already made theirs and mine is totally original
Janurary 2024
January started off pretty quick with a couple of neat visitors coming in but by far the best was NOAA’s Hurricane Hunter P3 Orion coming in on a fuel stop from Lakeland, Florida
March 2024
Continuing to March, I took my first ever international trip. While I never got around to an official sporting session because of transportation difficulties, I was still able to get some in
This 2nd one isn’t technically spotting per se, but it’s still aviation related. This photo is somehow my best performing photo on instagram and is one of my favorites
March turned out to be busy month for me, as later in the month Hawaiians first 787 was making its rounds around the west coast on familiarization flights and made its first stop to Phoenix coming from Vegas
Closing out March was a trip I had taken to LAX and they were using reverse ops. 6R departures from the In N Out can provide for some neat shots, although i’m sure there were better ways to edit this photo
May 2024
During one of my spotting sessions in May I had the opportunity to use a really nice camera from a friend, and pair that with a 105F degree summer golden hour and stuff comes out pretty neat. This also really sparked my inspiration to upgrade my own camera
July 2024
I found myself at LAX again during golden hour, and I tried an angle I recently had seen online and I’d say it came out pretty neat
October 2024
Autumn is a pretty neat season anywhere near the east coast. Being from Phoenix there’s only 2 seasons, so getting to experience a true autumn was a neat experience. Also the south runway being closed at CMH during that time helped a lot
December 2024
Getting into night photography while it’s below freezing outside isn’t necessary the best time to try and practice pans and what not. Needless I think this 1/3 sec handheld didn’t come out too terrible even though I probably used too high of an ISO. This also was taken with my new camera which is a Canon Eos R
And finishing off this year in review is something i’ve been chasing at Phoenix for a while. And it finally came on a day where I was home. This AN-12 is leaving back to Laredo, TX. it had previously come in from Miami earlier that day
Thanks for looking at my year in review! My goal for next year is to improve at night stuff and improve at editing.
Cheers to 2025