2019: The Year in Review

Top #General Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
What are your thoughts on the XCUB? 222
Boeing 777 Rework Development Thread 162
What do you expect from Infinite Flight in 2020? 123
What's the stupidest thing you've done in Infinite Flight 81
Infinite Flight Picture Competition, Winner Announced, Check New Thread! 73

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Boeing 777 Rework Development Thread 92
Infinite Flight, A Decade in Replay Mode 89
Drawing Tips 84
Ghosted - a personal experience 84
A new start, a new me. (An Apology) 76

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Guess the airline and aircraft! [IF version] 4.35k
Would You Rather: IF Edition 1.45k
For whom are you thankful in the Community? 810
What are your thoughts on the XCUB? 724
Best Infinite Flight Photos Part 2 [Official Thread] 471

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Boeing 777 Rework Development Thread 68
Infinite Flight, A Decade in Replay Mode 64
Drawing Tips 62
What do you expect from Infinite Flight in 2020? 60
A new start, a new me. (An Apology) 58

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
Best Infinite Flight Photos Part 2 [Official Thread] 97
Would You Rather: IF Edition 68
Infinite Flight Picture Competition, Winner Announced, Check New Thread! 41
For whom are you thankful in the Community? 37
Best IF Photos 32