1hr 30 mins in approach queue

When I was flying from Da nang to Ho Chi Minh I spent more than an hour and a half following the approach controllers procedures idk what it’s called haha my bad. Mind you tho half was the first approach and the second was a missed approach that I was instructed to do . I was just wondering isn’t this quite long like adding the taxi times almost 1 hr 50 extra on a 40 minute short hop flight. Does it not get to a point where ATC needs to start turning people away because I didn’t know it was gonna take so long and I could have just diverted . I luckily put extra fuel on board but also is there no priority for missed approaches because I had to join the whole queue again.



It might get to that point sometimes but instead of diverting people we hold them.

Usually no, you’ll go where there’s a gap. Sometimes it just means you go at the back of the line.

But it’s great that you got to the ground eventually!

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Haha thanks

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That’s why we tend to deny landings for local flights when it’s especially busy! See topic below for more details :)