14DEC24: Ryanair Max Group Flight Naples-Palermo (cancelled)

Is it still Cancelled due to 24.4 being released?

Why cancelled ?

I have something today at 3 pm so won’t make it

oh no (10chaar)

But no worries the next one is gonna Be 21DEC24 for the Ryanair Buzz

Does anyone want to do the flight now because I have plenty of time till 2024-12-14T11:00:00Z

Ok spawn in I can do it now

Ok then I’m coming

What is the airport code?

LIRN is the airport

Spawn at gate 54

Copy that!

I spawned at gate 52

No problem

Could you make a flight plan

What’s the Flight plan

To palermo

Ok then will do

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Copy my fpl

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Ok (10chsr