11NOV23: Big Apple Part 2 DEPARTED

@Butter575 thanks for helping

To join or not to join is thè question

You awoken Shakespeare from the dead I think 🤣🤣

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Could I have this to Copenhagen please? A333 SAS

You have almost unlimited options here buckaroo lol

@Vinnepinnen ofc! Amazing choice

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Oh man, forgot the SAS route, that’s a fun one since it’s new. Good pick @Vinnepinnen

They actually also use T7 since they started JFK a few months ago, not 1.

@NYFLFlyer22 Thanks! I was wondering bout that

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Oh I thought I picked T7? It looks like it didn’t show the terminal

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Hey @United403 sorry for asking but can you switch my gate to gate 11 if not a problem. Thanks!

@_TheTexanAvgeek absolutely

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I’ll take this one.
JetBlue - A321 - Palm Springs (KPSP)

(it’s also a seasonal route)

@IF.Kaden coming right up

They usually use the A320


A320 it is then!

could you switch it to the A320 por favor?

SĂ­ Sr. Kaden

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No problem, this is the most accurate list of the terminals which is from the airport itself. Only weird thing is Avianca Brasil being listed and not Avianca (the Brasil subsidiary went bankrupt)

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Can I get a virgin Atlantic A350 1000 to London Heathrow gate B27 HEAVY

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You realize that aircraft isn’t in Infinite Flight, right?