10FEB24: The Crazy Calgary Flyout DEPARTED

@Mort no problem, I’ll remove you

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I might be able to attend I’m flying to Norfolk rn.

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Sorry, won’t be able to come sadly

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Wait can I have a flight to CYLW?

@RagonDragon alright, just lmk

@Prestoni certainly! Which airline?

Does sunwing or Westjet fly the 737 there?

WestJet flies the -700 and -800

Sunwing also flies the -800

Can’t attend. Sorry

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Ok I will take sunwing

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@PhorzaSky np
@Prestoni roger

Can I have a westjet 738 to LAS

@Ryan_15 yes

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Hey… Is there anyway I can change my gate but not my route/plane. The gate I have is not a jet-bridge and I was just wondering.

@Nicholas_Thiemonge None of those gates by yours have jetbridges because they are hardstands
you can take e95B or E91B

Can I take 95B?

yes absolutley

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@member_of_oneworld @CanadianNorth @NonStopsAviation @Crunchymonkey12345 @Apple_Haye @anon87523340 @Shane_Rossler @KattasiumAviation @Ryan_15 @Ben_Walsh @MPH258 @RagonDragon @Skyline_AV @JayJayAviation

Please begin spawning in

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What are the Departure Runway(s)?

Departures will be on 17R

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