0.22 for Grade 4

So I have everything I need to reach grade 4 except that the level 1 violations and landings in 12 months that I have is equal to 0.24 but I need 0.22 to get grade 4, do I just continue to do more landings?

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yup! Do more landings without getting violations, and that ratio will go down.

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Do touch and goes in causal


I think your main concern here is the violations… figure out what you were doing wrong and work on that instead of worrying about landing count.

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They are all speed violations because I was afk when my plane was descending

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Gotta make sure you are monitoring your progress homie.

If you arent sure that you will be around your device for descent, its probably best to wait until you have the time, or to fly on the casual to TS.


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